Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Love United Differences

Cultural diversity in Indonesia is something that can not be denied. It is because Indonesia is archipelago and has many different cultures. Sometimes, people who live at their religion must out from it because immigration, process looking for the job, searching knowledge or get an assignment to go out from their religion. Those activities give them possibility to fall in love and get married with person from another ethnic.
Getting married with someone from different culture is something usual nowadays. Every people around the world are definitely different. So it does not matter if we want to get married with someone from different culture. It is because the basic purpose of get married is unity differences. We can mention easily marriage from different ethnic. For example Javanese person who get married with Sundanese. As we know that Javanese and Sundanese have different culture but when they decided to get married and live together, they have to minimize their differences and understand each other. That happens because of love in their heart. We can see that some members of our family can live harmony although they are marrying someone who has different culture. Meanwhile some people said that marrying someone from different culture will make our household lack of harmony. Our marriage cannot survive long. Nevertheless harmony in household does not influence by it. The keys to keep our marriage everlasting and full of harmony are love, respect and understanding each other. Difference does not matter if we have love in our heart. Love united us in our differences.
Married someone from different culture sometimes is unable to avoid when love had lodged in heart.  Besides diversity culture that can not be denied in the world, Our God created us different from each other too. It means that we will marry someone who has differences with us. Marrying someone from different culture does not matter if love had lodged in their heart. Getting married is merge differences between two persons.

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